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Орбеляны или Липариты — армянский княжеский род :

The third great family of Armenia was the Orbelians of Siounia. Siounia was the large canton to the east of the country, which stretched from Lake Sevan to the southernmost bend of the Araxes. Siounia was subdivided among various members of the princely house, and possessions seem to have changed hands among them fairly frequently. There were main branches of the family; of the elder the head at the time of Sembat’s martyrdom was the Grand Ischkan Sembat whose possessions lay on the west of Siounia, including Vaiotzor and Sisagan (which he apparently acquired from his cousins of the younger branch) and extending down to Nakhidchevan. He had married an Ardzrouni princess, Sophie, Gagic’s sister, and was one of the most prominent figures in Armenia. His brother Sahac owned the districts of Siounia on the east, with his capital probably at Erendchac; a third brother Papgen, the villain of the family, owned a town or two on the east and was jealous of his richer brothers; a fourth, Vasac, had already been killed in the interminable civil wars. The possessions of the younger branch clustered round Lake Sevan.


The subjects of Iwanē"s family were the Orbelians, Khaghbakians, Dopians, HasanJalalians and others (see Map 4).18 The representatives of these major Armenian families entered into direct contact with the Mongols in order to retain their conquered lands, the discussion of which follows in nest chapters.


The Orbelian family were Armenian nobles who established close relations with Mongols and were loyal servants of the II-Khans.


При Захаридах выдвинулись новые армянские княжеские роды — Вачутяны, Прошяны, Орбеляны, Допяны, получившие обширные владения в освобожденных областях Армении.

, представители которого в 1211—1435 гг. правили средневековым армянским княжеством Сюник (включавшем территории современных провинций Сюникской и Вайоцдзорской областей Армении, западную часть Нагорно-Карабахской Республики и северную часть Нахичеванской Автономной Республики ).

В роду Орбелянов наследственно передавались титулы князя, князя князей, главнокомандующего войсками ( амирспасалара ), регента ( атабека ), а один из представителей этого рода даже был возведен монголами в «цари». Епископат Сюника также передавался по наследству в роду Орбелянов. Резиденция Орбелянов в разное время находился в Егегисе , в Арени , а затем в Нораванке , где ныне и находится их родовая усыпальница. На родовом гербе Орбелянов, высеченном на некоторых могильных плитах Нораванка , изображён лев.